Anurag Basu is planning a biopic on the late actor, director and singer Kishore Kumar and for this venture he has signed Ranbir Kapoor to play the character of Kishore Kumar. His lady love in the movie will be none other than Katrina Kaif. Katrina will be playing the role of Madubala in the movie.
It seems that Katrina has already started watching Classics movies of Madubala like Chalti Ka Naam Gadi, Mugal e Azam , Mahal etc to bring in the perfection in her character. The makers are planning to recreate the magic of the song ‘ Ek Ladki Bheegi Bhaagi Si’ which was picturised on Kishore Kumar and Madhubala in the film Chalti Ka Naam Gadi.
Earlier Anurag Basu had signed Katrina for his movie Silence, which Katrina refused when she came to know that Priyanka Chopra is playing a pivotal role in the movie. In spite of this incident there is no grudge between the director and the actress and both are looking forward to make a great movie ahead.
ranbir and katrina rocks i wish this films promo
should be shown in no time katrina and ranbir both r
da youngstars of bollywood and da best couple hindi cinema has ever seen and i know that they will marry
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