New director Abhishek Dogra, who has finalized Ruslaan Mumtaz to play the role that was initially offered to Salman Khan, is all set to shoot his film entitled 3 Days 4 Nights In Bihar on location in Bihar.
The story of three spoilt rich wayward dudes blundering through Bihar in a nightmarish vacation is described by Salman's replacement Ruslaan as “a Dil Chahta Hai meets Rang De Basanti in Bihar... yes, we're going to shoot the film completely on location in Bihar."
Regarding Ruslaan replacing Salman, the younger actor says, "After Salmanbhai suggested that he take a younger actor for his role, the young director Abhishek Dogra changed the script."
Earlier he had planned to sign Salman and two other actors from that generation. Now it's 3 young actors Sharman, Jackky and Ruslaan.
"I've always modelled my physique on Salman, so it feels good," says Ruslaan.
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